Tag Archives: buffalo

Yellowstone Rip

-Yellowstone National Park, WY

We took a rip over to the world first National Park, Yellowstone. The place is a geographical wonder, the park is sitting atop the world’s largest super volcano that if ever erupted would kill pretty much all life on earth. And the volcano is very much alive, geysers, hot springs, steam vents and mud pots as far as the eye can see. If your into geology this place is a mind blower but if your looking for bears you may want to head north to Glacier National Park where a sighting is all but guaranteed. I’ve stayed in the park twice now and don’t get me wrong it’s lovely but I really wanted to spot a dang bear to no avail. It became a mild obsession touring every corner of the park always searching, any brown stump or rock from a distance was a bear mirage. We did spot a fox, a ton of birds, lots of bison and we did hear a pack of wolves howling in the distance at night.

Just south of Yellowstone is Grand Teton National Park which in my opinion is much more picturesque. The snow capped Teton’s are an aggressive set of peaks shooting straight up into the sky. Here we saw a moose, elk and of course more buffalo.